The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
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Appendix 2: Call for submissions - consultation questions

The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and Central Information Point

Please reflect on your experience in collecting, requesting, using or disclosing confidential information in the past 3 years when responding to the following questions.

1. Are the legal requirements in the Act sufficiently clear?

In responding to this question, please consider whether you feel the Act is sufficiently clear in relation to the meanings of key terms (such as person of concern, primary person, confidential information and excluded information), the circumstances in which confidential information can be requested or disclosed, record-keeping requirements and any other matter.

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If no, how do you think they could be made clearer?

2. The Act outlines principles, and requires the Minister to issue guidelines, to guide decision-making in relation to the collection, use or disclosure of confidential information.

a) To what extent are the principles reflected in your organisation’s policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools?

Response options: Fully, Mostly, Somewhat, Not at all, Unsure. How could this be improved?

b) Do the principles and guidelines support you to make decisions under the Act? 

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If no, what changes to the principles and guidelines would improve that?

3. Does the Act provide sufficient scope and authority for you to collect, request, use or disclose all information you feel is needed to effectively establish, assess and manage risks of family violence?

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. Where are the gaps?

4. Have you been able to obtain consolidated and up-to-date information from the CIP about perpetrators of family violence to support your organisation to assess and manage risks of family violence?

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If no, what were the barriers or challenges? 

5.Have you observed an increase in the level of information sharing, including:

a) information being disclosed voluntarily? 

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If no, what were the barriers or challenges?

b) information being disclosed on request?

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. Please make any additional comments.

6. Have you observed an increase in the level of collaboration between organisations to support the delivery of coordinated services?

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. Please make any additional comments.

7. Have you experienced any legal barriers or challenges in: 

a) collecting, requesting, using or disclosing information? 

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If yes, what were the legal barriers or challenges?

b) collaborating with other organisations to deliver coordinated services? 

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If yes, what were the legal barriers or challenges?

c) complying with the Act’s requirements?

Response options: Yes, No, Unsure. If yes, what were the legal barriers or challenges?

8. Are you aware of any instances of the unauthorised use or disclosure of confidential information under the FVISS or CIP provisions?

Response options: Yes. No, Unsure. Please make any additional comments.

Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework

Please reflect on your experience in aligning your organisation’s policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools with the MARAM Framework when responding to the following questions.

9. Are the legal requirements under the Act sufficiently clear, including in relation to the meaning of framework organisation and section 191 agency?

Response options: Yes. No, Unsure. If no, how could they be made clearer?

10. Have you observed greater consistency in organisations’ approaches to family violence risk identification, assessment and management?

Response options: Yes. No, Unsure. Please make any additional comments.


11. Have you observed any adverse effects of the provisions for particular groups, such as children and young people, adolescents who use violence in the home, or members of the Aboriginal community? 

Response options: Yes. No, Unsure. What types of adverse effects have you observed?

12. Do the provisions sufficiently provide for the needs and characteristics of diverse communities? 

Response options: Yes. No, Unsure. If no, please indicate why.

13. Do you have any other comments about the operation of the provisions, including any suggestions for improvement?
