The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.

Child and youth friendly report summary

This is a summary of the Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors report which has been prepared in partnership with Berry Street’s Y-Change initiative.

Photo of Jan Shuard PSM

Welcome to the report summary

Message from the Monitor

Throughout our monitoring we have been guided and challenged by young people who are victim survivors of family violence. The voices of these young advocates must be heard as they know best what is needed to keep them safe and to support their recovery. This report summary is the result of their knowledge and wise guidance. It has been prepared by young people in language that is clear and meaningful to them and their peers. We are indebted to these courageous champions of change who are committed to using their lived experience to shape the service system so that it can meet the needs of young people.

Jan Shuard PSM
Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor

Message from Y-Change

Family violence is rarely seen or understood through the experiences of children and young people. Too often, we are the ones you leave behind. It is critical to recognise us as victim survivors in our own right, not as ‘secondary victims’ of family violence or ‘extensions’ of our mother. Working in partnership with children and young people must be placed centrally to system reform. We hope that one day, our visions for change directly inform research, policy and practice reforms, and broader social change in a way that becomes everyday practice. That people understand that reform is not just something that happens ‘in the system’, it begins with each of us – our mindsets, approaches, and capacity to be challenged by young people with lived experience.

Berry Street’s Y-Change initiative

Berry Street Y-Change logo
