The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.


Glossary of terms used in this report.

10 Year Plan

Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change published in November 2016, available at


Culturally and linguistically diverse

Caretaker period

As soon as an election is called, the government enters a ‘caretaker period’ which remains in place until the election is settled. During this time several conventions are observed, designed (amongst other things) to preserve the political neutrality of the public sector.


Central Information Point. The CIP allows representatives from Court Services Victoria, Victoria Police, Corrections and the Department of Health and Human Services to consolidate critical information about perpetrators of family violence, when requested from within The Orange Door or Berry Street and provide a single report to the frontline Family violence specialist worker.


Child Information Sharing Scheme. Enables authorised organisations and services to share information to promote the wellbeing and safety of children.


Child Information Sharing Scheme. Enables authorised organisations and services to share information to promote the wellbeing and safety of children.


Dependencies are the relationships between tasks which determine the order in which activities need to be performed, where one activity relies on another being completed before it can either start, or be completed itself.

Designated mental health services

A designated mental health service is a health service that may provide compulsory assessment and treatment to people in accordance with the Mental Health Act 2014.


Department of Education and Training.

Dhelk Dja agreement

Dhelk Dja – Safe Our Way: Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families, the Aboriginal community-led agreement articulating a long-term partnership and directions to ensure that Aboriginal people, families and communities can be free from violence.


Department of Health and Human Services


Department of Justice and Community Safety


Department of Premier and Cabinet


Department of Treasury and Finance


Family Safety Victoria. FSV is an Administrative Office attached to DHHS with dedicated responsibility for delivering key elements of the FV reform, including The Orange Door and MARAM.


The Family Violence Data Collection Framework


Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme. Enables authorised organisations and services to share information to facilitate assessment and management of family violence risk to children and adults.

The MARAM Framework will guide information sharing wherever family violence is present.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework

The Framework is published on pages 10 and 11 of the Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change.


Family Violence Reform Interdepartmental Committee


Information Sharing Entity. Any organisation authorised to share information for family violence protection purposes.


A regional word for Aboriginal Australians in NSW and Victoria, used mainly by DJCS to describe programs specifically for Aboriginal Victorians.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, intersex and queer/questioning


Multi-agency Risk Assessment and Management. New framework and supporting resources that aims to ensure services are effectively identifying, assessing and managing family violence risk. Certain prescribed organisations are required to align their practices and policies with MARAM.

MARAM products and supporting resources

Supporting resources or products are terms used interchangeably to refer to the suite of tools and practice guides that a wide range of practitioners should utilise to assess and manage risk.

Practice guidance (MARAM)

Organisations required under law to align their internal policies and processes to MARAM

Risk assessment entities (MARAM)

A subset of ISEs that can request, collect and use information for a family violence assessment purpose, to establish and assess risk at the outset.


Risk Assessment and Management Panels. Convened in local service areas for the very highest risk family violence cases. The rollout of RAMPs across Victoria was recommendation 4 of the Royal Commission and is reported as ‘implemented’ on the government’s public acquittal website.


Rolling Action Plan. Family Violence Rolling Action Plan 2017-2020 published May 2017. Available at


Royal Commission into Family Violence

Risk Assessment (MARAM)

The process of applying structured professional judgement to determine the level of family violence risk.

Risk factors (MARAM)

Evidence based factors that are associated with the likelihood of family violence occurring and the severity of the risk of family violence.

Risk identification (MARAM)

Recognising through observation or enquiry that family violence risk factors are present, and then taking appropriate actions to refer or manage the risk.

Risk management (MARAM)

Any action or intervention taken to reduce the level of risk posed to a victim survivor, and to hold perpetrators to account. These are appropriate to the level of risk identified in the risk assessment stage.

Screening tool

A short assessment that all professionals can use when they suspect or have identified family violence.


Specialist Family Violence Courts


Specialist Family Violence Court Division

Support and Safety Hubs (the Hubs)

see The Orange Door


The internal project reporting system introduced by DPC and used by implementation agencies to record progress on projects and individual recommendations.

The Orange Door

The Orange Door provides an integrated intake pathway to women’s and children’s family violence services, services for men who use violence and family services. The Orange Door works with the person (including children and young people) and where relevant the whole family, and any services or professionals already involved, to assess and manage risk and connect people to the services they need.


Tools for Risk Assessment and Management. Used in The Orange Door. Aligned with MARAM.


Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited


Victorian Auditor-General’s Office


Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal


Victorian Managed Insurance Agency


Victim Survivors' Advisory Council


The Victorian Secretaries’ Board Sub-Committee on Family Violence Reform
